Oplev Kolding Sygehus’ MRscanner og få en god oplevelse
Den spændende oplevelse gøres med en virtuel tur der viser børnene lys og lyd, en mini MRscanner, som børnene kan lege med mens de venter på at det bliver deres tur. Med denne virtuelle tur og den tilhørende app, er muligt at sidde hjemme og gøre sig mentalt klar til at blive scannet . Børnene vil være i stand til at bevæge sig rundt i scannerrummet, klikke på links , se videoer, og prøve at høre, hvordan det lyder, og se hvordan det hele foregår. De vil kunne bestille den farve og opsætning de bedst kan lide (f.eks jungle, himmel, fantasi, eller undervandstema), så det er klart til dem, når de ankommer. Vi er stolte af at levere de 360º panoramabilleder der skal bruges til den virtuelle scannertur
Det er Philips der leverer scannersetuppet. Du kan se den virtuelle tur her
Explore the MRscanner in Kolding Hospital and get an exiting experience
We have started a cooperation with the Radiology Department at Kolding Hospital . They are engaged in a project that reduces axiety in the smallest patients and puts them at ease. This reduces the need for narcosis . On top of that the kids will have an exiting experience.
It is done with a virtual tour that shows them the light and sound , the MRmini scanner that the children can play with, while they are waiting. It is possible to be at home and become mentally ready to be scanned. They will be able to move around in the virtual scanner room, click on links , watch videos , and listen to the sound they re going to hear, and see how it is to be scanned.
They will be able to order a specific color setup or scene (jungle, sky, fantasy, underwater) so it’s ready when they arrive.
We are proud to provide the 360º panoramic images needed for the virtual scanner tour.
It is Philips who provides the scannersetup. You can see the virtual tour here here